Welcome to my blog! This is aimed at getting general knowledge out to share about the program and supports offered.
C A P T I V A T E Y O U R S E L F (to be further examined)
As a young gal I participated in soccer, softball, basketball, dance, acrobatics and cheer. As a parent I have two competitive girls. Their sports included a wide range from team sports to dance and horseback riding. My career has included working 8 years in an orthopedic/sports medicine clinic and surgery center as a nurse. I was an acrobatic assistant for a dance studio. For the past 8 years I have been a school nurse, obtained my master's in mental health, and supported statewide legislation and planning for social emotional learning in the education system.

Dynamic Coaching
I want to support coaches in providing dynamic team building by bringing intentional conversations, prompts and tools to the team, families and coaches. The hope is that opening dialog around the mental and social aspects of competition will provide a more holistic approach to building up an athlete's mental wellness.
Set up a Discovery Call
Unsure if your coach, team or parents would be invested in this program?
Set up some time to chat and assess the team's needs. I can support you in the adventure of developing your best team and athletes.